
Congressman J.D. Hayworth of Arizona is the founder of the Congressional American Indian caucus with over one hundred members will consider congressional hearings on the racial exclusion of Native Americans in the national television, movies, music, news media and sports industries, to include the improper use of Native Americans as mascots and offensive images and name use, of Native Americans in the sports industries.

United Native America has secured an agreement, that a serious consideration will be given to these issues that confront the Indian community today. It is a known fact that not one Native American can be seen on the national evening programing of television! Although the television networks offer over two dozen TV sitcoms that have gay characters portrayed. It is also a known fact that a Native American is not given a leading role in movies, the leading roles consist of a white man, black man or a white woman.

It is a sad fact that in America today, that Elvis Presley in the media was called a white man, when in fact he was half Cherokee Indian and European, he was said to have sung like an African American. America would not know how American Indians sing as they are not included in the music industries as other ethnic groups are in this country, which is a shame. America knows that Tiger Woods is part Asian, Black and Indian, but he is announced as an African American.

It is a historical fact that the American press instigated the military assault against the Indians at wounded knee South Dakota, in fear of the Indian ghost dance! Today the American mass media would have you to believe that Native Americans do not exist in our society as they report on everyone but Indians, unless it can be printed as a derogatory comment toward the Native Americans. America is all about American Indians, like it or not! We gave birth to this country and have been back stabbed ever since!

The United States soldiers at wounded knee were given medals for their actions against the Indians in their encampment which killed over 300 men, women and children, as of today the United States Government has not seen fit to recall those medals. Any person traveling across America will have to acknowledge that they viewed a historical marker site stating Indian Massacre site ahead! No matter what you think about the confederate flag it cannot compare to the injustice the American Flag committed against the Indian people of our home land! Should we take down the American flag?

The American National Media today still Politically, economically and socially excludes Native Americans in our society today. In America today, the American media giant's want you to focus on Europe, Africa, Middle East and Asia, not what happened in the home lands of the Indians! America is the true homeland of the American Indians, we did not come from another origin this is our true homeland we were born here from the beginning of the history of mankind!

The true history of the formation of America cannot be taught in our schools today because of the inhumane acts that were taken against the Native Americans that lived in this land before the white man came. They brought their religion, laws and their praise for their king and his demands of gold, jewels and slavery of these heathens they had found. It would be to disturbing for our children to know the facts of how this country came about and what Columbus really did to the people that tried to help him and extended their knowledge and expertise of surviving in this world and preserving it!

The national sports industries of America does not actively recruit American Indians to play on their teams as they do other ethnic groups in this country and around this world, let alone employ them as staff management and recruiters. It was an American Indian that broke the color barrier in the sports industries in America! Do you know his name? Do you know the name Jackie Robertson? The national media reports him as the one to break the national color barrier to play in the national sports industry. Please check out the history of the Cleveland Indians and how their name came about. Today Joe Camel cannot be shown on American television, but the distorted image of an American Indian can be shown to our children and the world!

Of the national sports teams in America, not one of them using the name of Indians or using them as mascots employ one Indian as a player on their team, let alone employing them as management! And they say they pay honor to the American Indians in the use of their heritage and name as mascots of their team.

As Columbus is no hero to the America! Congressman J.D. Hayworth of Arizona and his staff want your letters on the above issues and if you want congressional hearings to be held on them please send your letters to:
Ryan Serote
2434 Rayburn Build.
Washington D.C. 20515
Phone: 202-225-2190
fax: 520-556-8764
Residence of Arizona

As members of United Native America grass roots movement it is your duty to mail your opinion to Mr. J.D. Hayworth to bring about this change for our people! Your support is greatly appreciated and America stands with you!

United Native America
Mike L. Graham
Rt.6 box 243
Muldrow, Oklahoma 74948